5G Handover with Reinforcement Learning, mismatch of input channels and observations in reinforcement learning representation

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This is actually my final year project, i have 0 coding knowledge on RL before this.
I am trying to create a custom RL environment in MATLAB. In this environment, I have defined my observation space as rlNumericSpec([numUE*2 1]) because I have numUE user equipment, and each has 2 coordinates (x, y). And my actions are do or not do the handover.
This is what I get when I run the code:
Error using rl.representation.rlAbstractRepresentation/validateModelInputDimension
Model input sizes must match the dimensions specified in the corresponding
observation and action info specifications.
Error in rl.representation.rlQValueRepresentation (line 47)
Error in rlQValueRepresentation (line 130)
Rep = rl.representation.rlQValueRepresentation(Model, ...
Error in train2test (line 53)
critic = rlQValueRepresentation(criticNetwork,env.getObservationInfo(),env.getActionInfo(),'Observation',{'state'},'Action',{'action'},criticOpts);
  1 个评论
Lee Xing Wei
Lee Xing Wei 2023-7-12
I have tried to chage my observation many times, still get the same error. Actually i want to get the UEpositions, UEvelocity and UEBSconnections as my observations


回答(1 个)

Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
I suspect you did not set up your critic network properly. If you share that code snippet we can take a closer look. An alternative would be to use the default agent feature and let the software create a critic for you automatically based on provided observation and action spaces. Here is an example that assumes you want to create a DQN agent:
  3 个评论
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
As I mentioned, you can create the agent using the default agent feature like this:
agent = rlDQNAgent(obsInfo,actInfo)
If you run this line, it won't create any errors.You can then check what the neural network look slike by doing:
critic = getCritic(agent);
criticNet = getModel(critic);
That said, take another look at how you defined your action space. If your output is only 0 and 1, your action space is not defined correctly (it's currently a cell array of [0 1]).


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