Simulation data inspector section of signal

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm tryng to compareonly a section of two signals with Simulation data inspector but i can't find any settings to do that..
any helps?


Prathamesh 2023-7-27
I understand that you want to compare specific sections of two signals in Simulink data inspector.
I don’t see a direct way of doing this but can be achieved programmatically as shown in the below steps.
  1. Export the signals to be compared to base workspace with “To Workspace block.
  2. Then extract the section of timeseries data to be compared.
  3. Use the functions in “Simulink.sdiin order to set the environment for comparing the signals.
Refer to the first section of the documentation for details about the functions and implementation:
Alternatively, the model can be run in different time steps to get the specific sections and then compare those signals.
Refer to the documentation to get more information on how to compare data on different run.
I hope this resolves your issue.

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