How to send notifications to Pushbullet via Thingspeak

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to SMS messages to my mobile phone, I have ThingSpeak wth my ESP8266.
Can we use PushBullet now, if Yes, then what are the step for the send notifications to PushBullet.
If Not what are the another ways to send the Send Push Notifications Using Esp8266 to mobile phone?

回答(1 个)

Christopher Stapels
Pushbullet has a developer API. You can use MATLAB analysis app to write MATLAB code to communicate with the PushBullet app that sends data to your phone. You can use the ESP8266 to updata a channel. The React or timecontrol apps can read that channel and trigger the code to send data to pushbullet and your phone. In your MATLAB code, you can use the webwrite and webread to send http commands to the API.
Ive also written in ohter MATLAB answers and on the ThingSpeak community about how to use twilio to send SMS messages from ThingSpeak. The process is similar.


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