It seems that data is not recorded

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, since this morning (around 8h00 am, Paris time), data sent by my iots is not recorded. I have not changed any settings on my iots and my internet connection is OK. On the page with my channels, it seems that the channels are updated because I see that the "updated" times are evolving. Is there a problem today with Thingspeak?
  8 个评论
Christopher Stapels
Christopher Stapels 2023-12-18
Are you using the ThingSpeak library? It works nicely with ESP8266.
Roland Morla
Roland Morla 2023-12-18
No, this is my own (dirty) code. My code is rather old and I did not know there were such a library at the time I wrote it. In fact maybe it even did not exist. As I told you before, I tried to save as much as battery power as I could, and I found a significant difference of execution time between the "normal" and the less secure version of cipher algorithms, so I decided to use the less secure version. ( more security is good, but who cares about the temperature of my freezer ? ). Anyway I took sometime this week-end to recompile my code and re flash my iots and everthing is alright now. Best Regards


回答(1 个)

Christopher Stapels
There was a short downtime for ThingSpeak on July 19 from approximentally 6 am UTC until 10am. You can always see the present status of MathWorks online services here.


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