I have the matlab codes to solve the stimulated brilluoin scattering equations(stokes vs z plot); but doesnt showing any plot or errors

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clear all
% Define the pde function
function ut = pde(t, u)
% Define problem parameters
global x1 xu n ncall gamma_k;
global coeff1 coeff2 coeff3 coeff4 TT1 TT2 omega1 omega2;
global dx1 dx2 g1 g2 v gB tau_s trise;
x1 = 0; % Lower boundary of spatial domain
xu = 15; % Upper boundary of spatial domain
n = 190; % Number of discretization points
gB = 5*10^(-11); %Brilluoin gain factor
v = 0.2e9;
tau_s = 10e-9;
z = linspace(x1,xu,n);
gamma_k = 1/tau_s ; % Some parameter
coeff1 = 2; % Coefficient 1 for outer region
coeff2 = 1; % Coefficient 2 for inner region
coeff3 = 2; % Coefficient 3 for outer region
coeff4 = 1; % Coefficient 4 for inner region
omega1 = 0; % Omega1 value for outer region
omega2 = 2*pi*12.8e9 ; % Omega2 value for inner region
dx1 = 2; % Inner region starting point
dx2 = 12; % Inner region ending point
g1 = v*gamma_k*omega1*gB; % g1 value for outer region
g2 = v*gamma_k*omega2*gB; % g2 value for inner region
TT1 = (omega2)^2 - (omega1);
TT2 = (omega2)^2 -(omega2);
trise = 0.1e-9;
Ps = 10e-3;
Pb = 5e-3;
Aeff = 50e-6;
Es = (Ps/Aeff)^(1/2);
Eb = (Pb/Aeff)^(1/2);
tstart = 0;
tend = 90e-9;
t = [tstart ,tend];
% Calculate the time-dependent shape of the pulse waveform A(t)
t1 = (t - tau_s/2) / (trise/0.45);
t2 = (t + tau_s/2) / (trise/0.45);
A_t = sqrt((tanh(t1) - tanh(t2))/2);
% Calculate Es at z = 0 using the equation
Es_z0 = (Es - Eb) * A_t + Eb;
% Define the pulse function
pulse = @(t) A_t;
% Spatial index
for ii = 1:n
% Set initial conditions
if ii == 1
y1(1) = pulse(t);
y2(1) = 5e-3;
y3(1) = 1e-11;
y4(1) = 0;
y5(1) = 0;
y6(1) = 0;
if ii == n
y1(n) = pulse(tend);
y2(n) = 5e-3;
u0 =[y1(1); y2(1); y3(1); y4(1); y5(1); y6(1)];
% Set solver options
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-6, 'AbsTol', 1e-8); % Adjust tolerances as needed
% Initialize function call counter
ncall = 0;
[t, u] = ode23t(@pde, t, u0, options);
i1 = i(dx1<=i & i<=dx2);
i2 = i(i<dx1 | dx2<i);
coeff = zeros(n,1);
coeff(i1) = coeff2;
coeff(i2) = coeff1;
coeffsin = zeros(n,1);
coeffsin(i1) = coeff4;
coeffsin(i2) = coeff3;
omega = zeros(n,1);
omega(i1) = omega2;
omega(i2) = omega1;
g = zeros(n,1);
g(i1) = g2;
g(i2) = g1;
% Reshape u into column vectors
u = reshape(u,n,6);
y1 = u(:,1); % As
y2 = u(:,2); % Ap
y3 = u(:,3); % Aa
y4 = u(:,4); % dAa/dt
y5 = u(:,5); % Phia
y6 = u(:,6); % dPhia/dt
% BCs
y1(1) = pulse(t);
y2(n) = 5e-3;
y1x = -super(xl, xu, n, y1, 1)';
y2x = super(xl, xu, n, y2, -1)';
% Derivatives in t
y1t = y1x - y2.*y3.*coeff;
y1t(1) = 0; % boundary condition
y2t = y2x + y1.*y3.*coeff;
y2t(n) = 0; % boundary condition
y3t(i) = y4; % y3t = dAa/dt
y5t(i) = y6; % y5t = dPhia/dt y6t = d2Phia/dt^2
y4t = (-g.*y1.*y2.*coeffsin - (2*gamma_k*y4 + 2*y3.*omega.*y6) + y3.*y6.*y6 - TT.*y3);
y6t = (-g.*y1.*y2.*coeffsin + 2*omega.*(y4 + gamma_k.*y3) - 2*y6.*(y4 + y3.*gamma_k))/y3;
% Combine derivatives into ut column vector
ut = [y1t; y2t; y3t; y4t; y5t; y6t];
% Increment calls to pde
ncall = ncall + 1;
y1_solution = u(:,1:n)';
plot(z, y1_solution);
xlabel('Spatial Domain (z)');
ylabel('Stokes Field (y1)');
title('Stokes Field Profile');
grid minor;

回答(1 个)

Shushant 2023-8-2
I understand that you are facing an issue where the function "pde" does not execute as expected when running the script. Instead of producing a graph or an error message, there is no output or indication of any error occurring. This issue arises because the function is not being called and hence is never executed.
To execute the function “pde”, kindly follow the below mentioned steps-
  1. Remove the first two lines from your code that is - "clear all" and "clc".
  2. Save the file as "pde.m".
  3. In the command line execute
>> pde(1, 2) % modify the arguments of "t" and "u" as per your need.
Alternatively, to solve this issue add "pde(1,2)" before the definition of the function.
Refer to the following documentation for more information –
I hope this helped in solving the issues you were facing.

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