how to enable mex -setup for newer compiler (Visual Studio 2022) on older MATLAB (R2018a) ?

31 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to use a newer compiler with an older MATLAB.
Is there a mechanism by which we could configure R2018a's mex -setup to allow use of e.g. Visual Studio 2022 C/C++ ?
I understand that such a configuration might not be supported, and we'd be "on our own".

回答(1 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023-7-27
编辑:Bruno Luong 2023-7-27
Go to bin\win64\mexopts under matlabroot folder
Select one of the xml file (most recent supported MSVS C/C++)
Copy it there, rename and and mofidy to the config of 2022 MSVC.
You can compare two xml files to see what need to be changed.
We are not allowed to give you such file on most recent version, since it is copyrighted.
Good luck.


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