Load .Net Assembly to use in Simulink

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Pavel 2023-7-27
回答: Animesh 2023-8-14
I am trying to use another application whose API is only availble in .Net with Simulink.
I can load the assembly and use the methods using Matlab Interpreted function block, but it is quite slow and will be deprecated soon.
Embedded Matlab function doesn't support NET.addAssembly.
What are my options?
I suppose I can try to wrap the C# dll with C++ and create a s-function but this would be last resort.

回答(1 个)

Animesh 2023-8-14
Hello Pavel,
You can use InitFcn, PreLoadFcn or PostLoadFcn Callbacks to run your MATLAB Code to load the assembly or you can create a C++ S-Function to wrap the C# DLL.
Animesh Jha


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