Has anybody managed to talk to ThingSpeak on an Arduino R 4 (wifi)?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've been trying to use the new Arduino 4 (wifi version) to communicate with ThingSpeak. The r4 has wifi capabilities, how hard can it be? The answer seems to be 'plenty hard' as none of the libraries seem to want to play well.
If anybody has actually managed this, please can you share?

回答(1 个)

Christopher Stapels
If you want to go without the library, this example shows how to write the HTTP commands somewhat directly without the ThingSpeak communication library. Ill submit an enhnacement request to update the library.
  2 个评论
kevin wright
kevin wright 2023-8-8
Hi Christopher,
thanks for getting back to me. I'll give it a try but I notice that code needs to include the esp8266.h which I think will cause problems on the Arduino r4. Anyway I'll try it and let you know if it solves the problem,
Christopher Stapels
In this example, they use a library called wifiS3.h. I suspect that will work with the R4 and the commands in the example I sent above.
-Chrisotpher / CJ



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