Can anybody help me to code boundary conditions in MATLAB for Keller Box Method?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Can anybody help me to code boundary conditions in MATLAB for Keller Box Method?
f^'=1,f=S,θ^'=-r_1 [1+θ],ϕ^'=-r_2 [1+ϕ] at η=0
f^'=0,f^''=0,θ=0,ϕ=0 as η→∞
  1 个评论
vijayakumar 2024-10-30
how to set MATLAB code for velocity slip and temperature slip boundary condition for kelller box method please help me out
at eta=0, f(eta)=0, f^'(eta)=SF*f^''(eta), theta=1+ST*theta^'(eta)
at eta=infinite, f^'=0, theta=0


回答(2 个)

Mrutyunjaya Hiremath
% Define parameters
r_1 = 0.1;
r_2 = 0.2;
S = 2.0;
% Define the differential equations
% y(1) = f, y(2) = f', y(3) = θ, y(4) = ϕ
ode_system = @(eta, y) [y(2); 1; y(3); y(4)];
% Define the boundary conditions at η = 0
initial_conditions = [S, 1, 0, 0];
% Define the boundary conditions at η → ∞
eta_infinity = 100; % Choose a large value
final_conditions = [0, 0, 0, 0];
% Solve the differential equations
[eta, result] = ode45(ode_system, [0, eta_infinity], initial_conditions);
% Extract the solutions
f = result(:, 1);
f_prime = result(:, 2);
theta = result(:, 3);
phi = result(:, 4);
% Plot the solutions
subplot(2, 2, 1);
plot(eta, f);
title('f vs. η');
subplot(2, 2, 2);
plot(eta, f_prime);
title("f' vs. η");
subplot(2, 2, 3);
plot(eta, theta);
title('θ vs. η');
subplot(2, 2, 4);
plot(eta, phi);
title('ϕ vs. η');
  7 个评论
Torsten 2023-8-7
It should be clear that we won't program this for you.
If you have a boundary value problem as above, you can use the MATLAB tools "bvp4c" or "bvp5c".
If your problem is an assignment, you will have to start programming it in MATLAB or make a google search whether you find a MATLAB code that fits your needs.


Santosh Devi
Santosh Devi 2024-2-27
f^''' (η)+ff^'' (η)-(f^' (η))^2+Mf^' (η)-λf(η)=0
■θ^'' (η)+Pr⁡[f(η)θ^' (η)-b/(u_w^2 ) ηθ(η)+Ec(f^'' (η))^2+Q_0 θ(η)]=0
■ϕ^'' (η)+Sc[f(η) ϕ^' (η)-Kϕ(η)]=0
■f(0)=s,f^' (0)=1,θ(0)=1,ϕ(0)=1
■f^' (∞)→0,θ(∞)→0,ϕ(∞)→0
  5 个评论



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