Could someone provide an explanation for why I'm encountering the error message "Expected Duty Cycle to be a scalar" while trying to interface an Arduino Due with Simulink?
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MATLAB System block 'SIP_KA/PWM6' error occurred when invoking 'validateInputsImpl' method of 'codertarget.arduinobase.internal.arduino_PWMOutput'. The error was thrown from ' 'C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2020a\toolbox\target\shared\devicedrivers\+matlabshared\+devicedrivers\+blocks\PWM.p' at line 0'.
Caused by:
- Expected Duty Cycle to be a scalar.
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回答(1 个)
Arun Kumar
The output of the mux block is is 1X4 vector which is being fed to the PWM blocks after some switch blocks. The PWM blocks accept only scalar data. Try connecting the PWM blocks to scalar data or either use demux block to split the vector signal and then connecto to PWM block.
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