Using block variant source in mask

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I am not able to make it read the value of the variable "test" chosen in the mask. If anyone can help me please.

回答(1 个)

Dinesh 2024-7-3
Hi Rafaela.
I think that you have defined the variant control expression using "Simulink.VariantExpression" which is currently not supported for mask workspace variables. Please refer to the following highlighted documentation link:
Instead of using "Simulink.VariantExpression" objects, you could define the variable "test" directly in MATLAB workspace and modify the "Variant Source" dialog to have "test==1" and "test==2" under "Variant control expression" for Port 1 and 2 respectively. Along with this, you can modify the workspace parameter to have values "1" and "2" in the dropdown. I tested this approach and it works perfectly fine and the variant choice is chosen during compile depending on the value specified in the mask.
I hope this helps.


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