For removing artifact from raw EEG signal ,I have need to pca.m and rica.m file . How can I get this pca and rica function of MATLAB files?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
%% PCA
[coeff,Data_PCA,latent,tsquared,explained,mu] = pca(Data, 'NumComponents', q); %this pca function need for run this code.
% compute and display explained variation
disp(strcat("Top ", string(q), " principal components explain ", ...
string(sum(explained(1:q))), " of variation"))
% compute independent components from principal components
Mdl = rica(Data_PCA, q); %this rica function need to run this code.
Data_ICA = transform(Mdl, Data_PCA);


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-8-15
pca -- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
rica -- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-8-15
The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox is an extra-cost product that is not included in most licenses.
Your version R2019a is new enough that if you use the Add-On Explorer to search for the toolbox, then if you are already licensed for the toolbox it will allow you to install it, and if you are not already licensed it will offer to let you purchase the toolbox. (I do not know if the purchase of such an old toolbox is still possible.)


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