Matrix and vector multiplication of size using a CPU is very slow. Using GPU is much quicker but I need a way around the size limitation.

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This is an extract from the core part of a project I am working on. It is essentially a Finite Difference implementation of Crank Nicholson method. If I run a non-GPU version app.U0 can easily be a vecor of size 64k. The matrices are of similar dimension. The non-gpu version can take a day to run on my overclocked AMD Ryzen 7 5700X which has 128GB memory. I thought I would try and use the GPU
>> gpuDevice
ans =
CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '8.6'
SupportsDouble: 1
GraphicsDriverVersion: '536.99'
DriverModel: 'WDDM'
ToolkitVersion: 11.8000
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152 (49.15 KB)
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 12884377600 (12.88 GB)
I have little idea of the significance of this other than the 12+GB which I thought suggested I had lots of room. The test I ran using both on and off GPU showed a perfect match. The only difference being the CPU version for the small app.U0 took 50 seconds and the GPU version took 2!! Total win... except... when the xMesh reaches >53 the array contians only NaN except for the initial input data.
The LHS diagram shows why I need larger than 100x2x50 start vector.The rays emanating from the start and ricocheing off the boundary are a real effect and one that needs to be avoided. This means larger distance between boundaries. Apparently fine if I use the CPU but not on the GPU. Using stochastic data for the noise I might want 30+ runs and that means 30+days just to get the data.
A = diag(-2*ones(1,M)) + diag(ones(1,M-1),1) + diag(ones(1,M-1),-1);
ul = gpuArray(complex(ul));
ur = gpuArray(complex((ur)));
app.u0 = addNoise(app,startAgain,loop);%first line of array eventually
U = gpuArray(complex(zeros(M+2,app.NJ+1))); %U = zeros(M+2,app.NJ); %output file
U0 = gpuArray(complex(app.u0(2:end-1,:)));
U1 = gpuArray(complex(size(U0)));
UC = gpuArray(complex(size(U0)));
D = app.dt/(2*app.h^2); % D
Bdy(1,:)= D*ul;
%Bdy = sparse(Bdy);
Bdy = gpuArray(complex(Bdy));
AB = gpuArray(complex(D*A));
AA = sparse(1i*eye(size(A))+AB); AA = gpuArray(complex(AA));
sdg = gpuArray(s*app.dt*app.gamma);%this is just a constant
for j=1:app.NJ
% This is the first shot at Crank Nicholson
U1=AA\(1i.*U0 - AB*U0 - sdg*(U0.*conj(U0)).*U0...
- Bdy(:,j)-Bdy(:,j+1));
%which becomes a predictor corrector by a second
%run through
UC = (U1+U0)/2;
U1=AA\(1i.*U0 - AB*U0 - sdg*(UC.*conj(UC)).*UC...
- Bdy(:,j)-Bdy(:,j+1));
U0=U1; U(:,j+1) = [ul(j+1);U1;ur(j+1)];
disp(f); disp(showDateAndTime(app,2)); %quick indicator that a loop has finished
%put start on data
%U(:,1) = app.u0;%U = [app.u0 U];
U = gather(U);
U(:,1) = app.u0;
The 'for' loop is the heart of the matter. Is there any way around this issue without losing all the benefits of the GPU speed?
  10 个评论



Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023-8-25
编辑:Bruno Luong 2023-8-25
I run your (slighly modified) code with xRange = 100 (EDIT) and get the finite result
My config: R2023a, Windows 11, Laptop 32 Gbytes, Intel i9 12th generation and Nvidia RTX 3060.
I would look for updateing your MATLAB, graphic card drivers, or eventually HW incompatibility issue.
xRange = 100; %This is the critical value which defines the size of the mesh grid
% crashes at 54
dx = 0.01; %mesh grid increment size
x = -xRange:dx:xRange;%mesh grid
T = 5; %time for run
dt = 0.01; %Time increment size
NJ=T/dt; %number of iterations
t= dt*(0:NJ); %time vector
M=length(x); % length of the mesh
M=M-2; % active length minus end points
S = @(ex) 1*sech(sqrt(1/2)*ex).*exp(1i*2*ex); %creates Soliton
u0 = S(x)'; %Start data - note transform
s=1; %constant
ul = zeros(size(t)); %set boundary values
ur = zeros(size(t)); %boundaries are zero
A = spdiags(ones(3*M,1)*[1 -2 1],[-1 0 1],M,M); % modified by Bruno %diag(-2*ones(1,M)) + diag(ones(1,M-1),1) + diag(ones(1,M-1),-1);
U = gpuArray(complex(zeros(M+2,NJ+1))); %U = zeros(M+2,app.NJ); %output file
U0 = gpuArray(complex(u0(2:end-1,:)));
UC = gpuArray(complex(size(U0)));
D = dt/(2*dx^2); % D
Bdy(1,:)= D*ul;
%Bdy = sparse(Bdy);
url = gpuArray(complex(ul));
urr = gpuArray(complex((ur)));
Bdy = gpuArray(complex(Bdy));
AB = gpuArray(complex(D*A));
AA = 1i*speye(size(A))+AB;
AA = gpuArray(AA); % modified by Bruno
sdg = gpuArray(1*dt*1);%this is just a constant
for j=1:NJ
% This is the first shot at Crank Nicholson
U1=AA\(1i.*U0 - AB*U0 - sdg*(U0.*conj(U0)).*U0...
- Bdy(:,j)-Bdy(:,j+1));
%which becomes a predictor corrector by a second
%run through
UC = (U1+U0)/2;
U1=AA\(1i.*U0 - AB*U0 - sdg*(UC.*conj(UC)).*UC...
- Bdy(:,j)-Bdy(:,j+1));
%U(:,j+1) = [ul(j+1);U1;ur(j+1)];
U(:,j+1) = [url(j+1);gather(U1);urr(j+1)];
U = gather(U);
U(:,1) = u0;
close all;
  37 个评论
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023-8-30
@Jonathan Wharrier May be if you are satisfied with the answer and it somehow sheds a light even if it doesn't still explain few obscure aspects, could you accept the answer?


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