ThingSpeak public image display

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to make a website with a bunch of embedded html scripts that display data received from a Simulink program. All of my numerical data I can make public and then put the iFrame code onto my website, but when I go to add an image widget into my public channel there isn't an option to do this. I've tried using thingSpeakRead() in MATLAB using the API key with no luck. How does one publicly display images uploaded to ThingSpeak?
They did it here, and I can't figure out how:
  2 个评论
Christopher Stapels
I think @Vinod posted what he did somewhere in Answers or the ThingSpeak community.
At present, you cannot show an image channel preview on a public channel.
Where are the images stored? If they are available on a web page, you can use webread() and webwrite() to get and display them in a public MATLAB Visualization. You can also read them from another storage area such as dropbox.
Alec 2023-8-28
@Christopher Stapels thank you for your reply. The images are being taken by a Simulink simulation and stored locally on a drive, and another MATLAB script uploads them to an image channel on ThingSpeak using functions. From there, I would like to send them to a website - ideally, I would imbed them in a webpage much like the MATLAB visualizations where you just copy/paste some HTML. I will explore what Vinod has done as well as webwrite() and webread().
Are there any plans to make image channels public?



Christopher Stapels
移动:Christopher Stapels 2023-9-14
I have similar workflows for two of my projects. For one, I upload to dropbox using this function to upload.
Then you can use the read from dropbox code I linked above.
For another workflow, I use Amazon Boto on a RPi to upload the files to an S3 bucket. Then you can read the images from AWS in a similar way using MATLAB visualization.
There are plans to make the image channels public, but that work is not yet scheduled.
  2 个评论
Jon 2023-12-3
OK -- let me ask my question which may be the same as OP.
Can I expose, private or public, my Thingspeak image feed in a private webpage of my own building? And if not, what is the point of an image channel?
Christopher Stapels
编辑:Christopher Stapels 2023-12-4
Right now, the primary use for image channels is to add a private view of the image on your channel. You can use this for monitoring assets that your are using to record thingSpeak data. For example if you have a weather station and a bird built a nest on it, you would be able to view the reason why the temperature shot up recently. The feature is intended to be a stepping stone.


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