Slider (legacy) with no room to slide?

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I would like to create a slider (legacy version) to select a whole number from 1 to a given n.
For n >= 2 this is OK, the cursor is of size 1/n of the width of the slider, so every step it moves 1 unit coherently,.
for n = 2:7 % n = 1 ?
pos = [0.1, (n-1)*0.1, 0.8, 0.04];
uicontrol('style','slide','unit', ...
'normalized', 'position', pos,...
'Min', 1, 'Max', n, 'value', 1, 'sliderstep', 1/(n-1)+[0 0], ...
'BackgroundColor', [0 0 0], ...
'Callback', @(h, varargin) disp("v=" + round(h.Value)));
Naturally for n=1, I would like cursor to be as large as the slider and it cannot move. Not sure how to set up such slider at the borderline. undocumented Java hack a la Yair is welcome.
As you can try my above code will not make MATLAB very happy for n=1.


the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-8-26
I believe this does what you want, for N=1.
I frankly have not fully grokked how this works, but figured I'd post the solution anyway. I also didn't look for the most elegant way to not do this case as a one-off.
for n = 2:7 % n = 1 ?
pos = [0.1, (n-1)*0.1, 0.8, 0.04];
uicontrol('style','slide','unit', ...
'normalized', 'position', pos,...
'Min', 1, 'Max', n, 'value', 1, 'sliderstep', 1/(n-1)+[0 0], ...
'BackgroundColor', [0 0 0], ...
'Callback', @(h, varargin) disp("v=" + round(h.Value)));
pos = [0.1, 0, 0.8, 0.04];
uicontrol('style','slide','unit', ...
'normalized', 'position', pos,...
'Min', 1, 'Max', 2, 'value', 1, 'sliderstep', [0 Inf], ...
'BackgroundColor', [0 0 0], ...
'Callback', @(h, varargin) disp("v=" + round(h.Value)));
  1 个评论
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023-8-26
Oh yeah the trick is to put Inf in sliderstep(2) and something > 1 for Max.
I don't get it either but it's what I look for. Thanks.


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