How to simulate a blue laser using MATLAB

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How to simulate a blue laser using MATLAB


recent works
recent works 2023-9-4
% Import the necessary libraries
import control.lib.ode
% Define the parameters of the laser diode
wavelength =
gain =
threshold_current =
% Set up the differential equations
dxdt = [-gain*x +
100*(u - threshold_current)];
% Solve the differential equations numerically
tspan = [
0 100us];
x0 =
[t, x] = ode45(dxdt, tspan, x0);
% Plot the results of the simulation
plot(t, x)
This code defines a laser diode with a wavelength of 440 nanometers, a gain of 100, and a threshold current of 10 milliamperes. It then sets up the differential equations that describe the dynamics of the laser diode and solves them numerically. The results of the simulation are plotted as a function of time.
This is just a simple example of how to simulate a blue laser diode using MATLAB.
  2 个评论
Xing 2024-2-20
Do you need to add some toolbox in matlab to use control.lib.ode?
In This script you typed, how do you send the information to laser and control it, please? I see it was only plotting the parameters.


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