OFDM Radar and Micro doppler signal analyzing simulator

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi can you help me to find a MATLAB code for a simulator which build to plot micro doppler signal which caused using a OFDM Radar?

回答(1 个)

Abhimenyu 2023-9-21
Hi Lashani,
I understand that you are looking for the code to plot the micro doppler system using OFDM radar.
Here is the sample code for the same:
% Define all the parameters for OFDM and modulation
% fs Sampling frequency (Hz)
% T Sampling period (s)
% fc Carrier frequency (Hz)
% f0 Target rotation frequency (Hz)
% B Bandwidth (Hz)
% N Number of subcarriers
% Tysm OFDM symbol duration (s)
% Ts Subcarrier spacing (s)
% t Time vector
% Generate OFDM subcarriers
subcarriers = zeros(N, length(t));
for i = 1:N
subcarriers(i, :) = exp(1i*2*pi*(fc + (i-N/2-1)*Ts)*t);
% Generate target rotation modulation
modulation = exp(1i*2*pi*f0*t);
% Generate received signal
received_signal = sum(subcarriers) .* modulation;
% Perform FFT to obtain Doppler spectrum
doppler_spectrum = fftshift(fft(received_signal));
% Frequency axis for plotting
f = (-fs/2:fs/N:fs/2-fs/N) + fc;
% Plot Doppler spectrum
plot(f, abs(doppler_spectrum));
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
title('Micro-Doppler Signal');
For more details on doppler estimation and OFDM, kindly go through the below links:
Thank you,


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