Algorithm 1. Set time step (increment) 2. set max number of time steps 3. start with ground values of temperature at x=0, y=0, z=0, theta=0, and a particular value of fi 4. co

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% Initialize variables
height = F2007120317S7627.Height;
wind_speed = F2007120317S7627.WS;
wind_direction = F2007120317S7627.WD;
temperature = F2007120317S7627.Temp0;
humidity = F2007120317S7627.HumiS;
min_humid = max(humidity);
theta_limit = 45;
time_limit = 100;
phi_limit = 90;
delta_vx = zeros(101, 1);
delta_vy = zeros(101, 1);
delta_x = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
delta_y = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
delta_z = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
delta_theta = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
x = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
y = zeros(theta_limit, phi_limit);
z = zeros(time_limit, theta_limit); % Fixed dimension
delta_t = 0.1;
theta_end = zeros(theta_limit + 1, phi_limit);
phi = linspace(0, 2 * pi, phi_limit);
theta = linspace(0, pi / 2, theta_limit);
temp1 = 26.3;
delta_t = 1;
vx1 = 0;
vy1 = 0;
alti_matrix = [];
vx = zeros(time_limit, theta_limit);
vy = zeros(time_limit, theta_limit);
cs = zeros(time_limit, theta_limit);
z = zeros(time_limit, theta_limit); % Fixed dimension
cs(1, :) = 331;
for i = 1:theta_limit
delta_z(1, i) = z(1, i) + (cs(1, i) * cos(theta(1, i))) * delta_t;
z(1, i) = delta_z(1, i);
year = z(1, i);
alti_matrix = [alti_matrix, year];
yr = linspace(0, 180, time_limit);
altitude = 0:z(1, i):z(1, i) * 4;
% alt(k,i) = altitude(1,k);
temp1 = spline(height, temperature, altitude);
temp_inv = temp1.';
speed1 = interp1(height, wind_speed, altitude);
speed_inv = speed1.';
dir1 = interp1(height, wind_direction, altitude);
dir_inv = dir1.';
vx(1, i) = speed_inv(1, 1) * cos(deg2rad(dir_inv(1, 1)));
vy(1, i) = speed_inv(1, 1) * sin(deg2rad(dir_inv(1, 1)));
% delta_vx(1,i) = vx(1,i) - vx(1,i);
% delta_vy(1,i) = vy(1,1) - vy(1,i);
humd1 = interp1(height, humidity, altitude);
humd_inv = humd1.';
q(1, i) = humd_inv(1, 1) / min_humid;
temp_kelvin(1, i) = (273.15 + temp_inv(1, 1)) * (1 + 0.608 * q(1, i));
cs(1, i) = 20.047 * sqrt(temp_kelvin(1, i));
% delta_cs(1,i) = cs(k+1,i) - cs(k,i);


Bhavani Sankar
Bhavani Sankar 2023-9-25
timeStep = 0.1;
maxTimeSteps = 100;
initialTemperature = 25.0;
initialTheta = 0.0;
initialPhi = 45.0;
deltaTheta = 1.0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
theta = initialTheta;
phi = initialPhi;
temperature = initialTemperature;
temperatureHistory = zeros(maxTimeSteps, 1);
NxHistory = zeros(maxTimeSteps, 1);
NyHistory = zeros(maxTimeSteps, 1);
for t = 1:maxTimeSteps
% Store temperature at current time step
temperatureHistory(t) = temperature;
Nx = sin(theta); % Replace with your calculation
Ny = cos(theta); % Replace with your calculation
NxHistory(t) = Nx;
NyHistory(t) = Ny;
deltaX = 0.1; % Replace with your calculation
deltaY = 0.2; % Replace with your calculation
deltaZ = 0.3; % Replace with your calculation
deltaTheta = 0.1; % Replace with your calculation
x = x + deltaX;
y = y + deltaY;
z = z + deltaZ;
theta = theta + deltaTheta;
interpolatedTemperature = initialTemperature + z * 0.2; % Example interpolation
temperature = interpolatedTemperature;
if z >= someTerminationCondition

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