Subsystem can not reference partitioned mask parameter

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to partition mask parameters for each subsystem block, however keep getting the following error while developing the C code:
Parameter 'a1' of block 'blankSystry/inputtry/Subsystem' cannot reference partitioned mask parameter 'i' of For Each subsystem 'blankSystry/inputtry' because parameter 'a1' will be reduced to a numerical value.
Caused by:
  • The generated code will inline the numeric value of the expression 'a(i,1)' (used in parameter 'a1' of 'blankSystry/inputtry/Subsystem') because the expression is either referencing an element of a variable which is a mask parameter or has two or more dimensions, or is referencing an element of a one-dimensional variable using multiple indices. This expression resolves to tunable variables (i).


Pramil 2024-9-13
Hi Devyani,
I encountered a similar error with MATLAB R2022b. To resolve it, I changed the "Mask Parameter" property, tunable from “on” to off, which successfully generate code.
Currently I am using MATLAB R2023a and this issue does not occur in it, so you can upgrade your MATLAB version as well to resolve the same.
For your reference, I have attached a model.

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