How to model a transfer function in Simulink?
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How do I proceed with modelling a transfer function (I am trying to implement a digital filter) in SIMULINK from the following transfer function?
I have the values for ξ1= 0.009, ξ2=0.12 and α= 0.034.
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The Discrete Filter block under Simulink/Discrete should support your needs. You'll just need to simplify numerator and denominator to [a b c ... ] form, where a is the constant coefficient in the polynomial series, b is the coefficient, etc.
So, for instance,
would enter as:
numerator -- [1 -1 2]
denominator -- [1 1]
(Note that I suggest the Discrete Filter rather than the Discrete Transfer Fcn because the Discrete Filter expects negative z coefficients, with the first term always being , whereas the Discrete Transfer Fcn expects positive z coefficients, with the last term always being .)
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