I found this solution, but i didnt undurstund why it works ? for the motor on the PIN 5 (M2 in the picture) before i send the setpoint value to PID. I added constant with value -0.00002 to the setpoint. With this solution there is no noise !!!
But I have another issue :
Like a told you it's 3 omniwheel robot, so for the setpoint i sent 3 value, Vx, Vy and W from serial POrt (Raspi 4 and ROS).
If i send Vx= +-0.1 m/s and Vy=0 m/s. it works well.same for Vx=0 and Vy=+-0.1.
but if i send Vx=0.1 m/s and Vy=0.1 m/s. the M2 on PIN5 loose the control and run very fast withouth stop even I send 0 to Vx and Vy.
Could anyone explain what's happening and help to resolve this issue ? THanks again