Thanks for bringing this use case to our attention. As for now, there is no Simulink block for reading binary occupancy grid. We will consider to provide this functionality in a future release.
Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can use a combination of "MATLAB Function" and "Video Viewer" block to plot occupancy map in Simulink.
Here is the script in MATLAB function block for your reference:
function y = fcn(u)
% Specify the expected dimension of the occupancyMatrix
y = zeros(10,10,'logical');
dataLen = u.Data_SL_Info.CurrentLength;
if dataLen>0
% Create MATLAB message
msg = rosmessage("nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid","DataFormat","struct");
% Assign message fields based on input Simulink message bus
msg.Info.Height = u.Info.Height;
msg.Info.Width = u.Info.Width;
msg.Info.Resolution = u.Info.Resolution;
msg.Data = u.Data(1:dataLen);
% Use rosReadBinaryOccupancyGrid to read occupancy grid
map = rosReadBinaryOccupancyGrid(msg);
% output occupancyMatrix
occupancyMatrix = map.occupancyMatrix;
y = occupancyMatrix(1:10,1:10);
Hope that helps,