How to perform the following data splitting?
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How to perform the following data splitting?
There are vectors X,Y,T all of these have the same size
I want to split these 3 vectors and store the splitted data in 3 arraies X_array y_array T_array
The splitting will be according to a specific range
for example:
split X and Y according to T
T contains time data from 5.2 to 10 (i,e T=[5.2,5.2002,.........................5.202, ................10])
I want to split these vectors every 0.002 of T
for example include all the data of X in one vector until T reach 5.202 then store in the first cell in the array,then include all the data of X in one vector until T reach 5.204 then store in the 2nd cell in the array,,, and so on
similar to Y and T
0 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
%Random data
t = 5.2:0.002:5.3;
x = 1:numel(t);
%Define bins to group data into
cats = min(t):0.02:max(t);
%Group the data according to the bins defined
idx = discretize(t,cats);
%Split the data according to groups and store in a cell array
%Do the same for y as well
X = splitapply(@(k) {k}, x, idx)
2 个评论
Walter Roberson
We probably should not count on the input T starting from 5.2 so we should probably not use min() for the lower bound. We are told to start from 5.2 so that should be the lower bound.
更多回答(1 个)
Walter Roberson
idx = round((T(:)-5.2)/0.02) + 1;
Xgrouped = accumarray(idx, X(:), [], @(vals){vals});
Ygrouped = accumarray(idx, Y(:), [], @(vals){vals});
Tgrouped = accumarray(idx, T(:), [], @(vals){vals});
3 个评论
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