I don't know why this code doesn't stops :(

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
This code doesn't stop when tspan > 0.4. But I want to know more than 10 seconds. Is there any solution?
y0 = [0 0 0 0];
yp0 = [0 0 0 0];
t0 = 0;
tspan = [t0,0.386];
[y0_new,yp0_new] = decic(@f,t0,y0,[1 1 1 1],yp0,[0 0 0 0])
y0_new = 4×1
0 0 0 0
yp0_new = 4×1
0 0 172.0836 289.5405
[T,Y] = ode15i(@f,tspan,y0_new,yp0_new);
y1 = 0.035*Y(:,1);
y2 = 0.035*Y(:,2);
plot(T,[y1 y2])
function res = f(t,y,yp)
I = 0.000122144; %kgm^2
m = 0.19744; %kg
g = 9.80665; %m/s^2
R = 0.035; %m
s = 0.090757; %rad
r = 0.011515; %m
M = 0.029244; %kg
k = 15.36;
A = 0.011065331; %m^2
res = zeros(4,1);
res(1) = yp(1) - y(3);
res(2) = yp(2) - y(4);
res(3) = I*yp(3) - (-m * sqrt(g^2 + R^2 * yp(4)^2 - 2 * g * R * yp(4) * sin(s)) * r * sin(s + y(1) - atan(R * yp(4) * cos(s) / (g - R * yp(4) * sin(s)))) - k * R * A * (y(3) - y(4)));
res(4) = 2 * M * R * yp(4) -( (M + m) * g * sin(s) - m * r * (sin(y(1)) * (y(3)^2) - cos(y(1)) * yp(3)));

回答(1 个)

Torsten 2023-10-3
编辑:Torsten 2023-10-3
res(3) == 0 and res(4) == 0 are two nonlinear equations in the unknowns yp(3) and yp(4). ode15i seems to have problems following their root path.
You can try to solve
res(3) == 0
res(4) == 0
within the function f using the nonlinear solver "fsolve" and return
res(3) = yp(3) - result(1)
res(4) = yp(4) - result(2)
to ode15i where "result" is the "fsolve" solution. But maybe there is no or a non-unique solution for these two unknowns in the sequel of the computation - you should test it separately for a set of y-values where ode15i gives up.
  13 个评论
Torsten 2023-10-3
编辑:Torsten 2023-10-4
You can clearly see from this code that the reason for failure is the division by zero in the atan() term. Again the mathematical problem and not the solver is responsible for failure.
I replaced
atan(R * y(6) * cos(s) / (g - R * y(6) * sin(s)))
asin(R * y(6) * cos(s) / sqrt((g - R * y(6) * sin(s))^2 + (R * y(6) * cos(s))^2))
and it works a little better.
y0 = [0 0 0 0 -172 289];
t0 = 0;
s = @(x)f(t0,[y0(1:4),x(1),x(2)]);
h = @(x) subsref(s(x), struct('type', '()', 'subs', {{[5,6]}}));
sol = fsolve(h,y0(5:6),optimset('TolFun',1e-10,'TolX',1e-10))
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
sol = 1×2
172.0836 289.5405
y0 = [y0(1:4),sol];
tspan = [t0,20.0];
M = eye(6);
M(5,5) = 0;
M(6,6) = 0;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@f,tspan,y0,odeset('RelTol',1e-8,'AbsTol',1e-8,'Mass',M));
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ans = -1.8169e-09
Warning: Failure at t=3.853933e-01. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (8.881784e-16) at time t.
y1 = 0.035*Y(:,1);
y2 = 0.035*Y(:,2);
plot(T,[y1 y2])
for i = 1:numel(T)
dydt = f(T(i),Y(i,:));
res5(i) = dydt(5);
res6(i) = dydt(6);
ans = 0.3248
ans = 0.1052
ans = 0.0378
ans = 0.0175
ans = 0.0113
ans = 0.0052
ans = 0.0034
ans = 0.0015
ans = 9.6582e-04
ans = 4.1349e-04
ans = 2.4778e-04
ans = 8.2062e-05
ans = 3.2347e-05
ans = 1.7432e-05
ans = 2.5178e-06
ans = 1.1755e-06
ans = 7.7277e-07
ans = 3.7007e-07
ans = 2.4926e-07
ans = 1.2845e-07
ans = 7.6434e-09
ans = 4.3815e-09
ans = 1.1197e-09
ans = 1.4114e-10
ans = 1.4529e-07
ans = 8.7497e-07
function dydt = f(t,y)
I = 0.000122144; %kgm^2
m = 0.19744; %kg
g = 9.80665; %m/s^2
R = 0.035; %m
s = 0.090757; %rad
r = 0.011515; %m
M = 0.029244; %kg
k = 15.36;
A = 0.011065331; %m^2
if t > 3.85e-1
g - R * y(6) * sin(s)
dydt = zeros(6,1);
dydt(1) = y(3);
dydt(2) = y(4);
dydt(3) = y(5);
dydt(4) = y(6);
dydt(5) = I*y(5) - (-m * sqrt(g^2 + R^2 * y(6)^2 - 2 * g * R * y(6) * sin(s)) * r * sin(s + y(1) - atan(R * y(6) * cos(s) / (g - R * y(6) * sin(s)))) - k * R * A * (y(3) - y(4)));
%dydt(5) = I*y(5) - (-m * sqrt(g^2 + R^2 * y(6)^2 - 2 * g * R * y(6) * sin(s)) * r * sin(s + y(1) - asin(R * y(6) * cos(s) / sqrt((g - R * y(6) * sin(s))^2 + (R * y(6) * cos(s))^2))) - k * R * A * (y(3) - y(4)));
dydt(6) = 2 * M * R * y(6) -( (M + m) * g * sin(s) - m * r * (sin(y(1)) * (y(3)^2) - cos(y(1)) * y(5)));
Torsten 2023-10-5
编辑:Torsten 2023-10-5
If you download
and use it together with the driver file
warning off
y0 = [0 0 0 0 172 289];
t0 = 0;
s = @(x)OdeFcn(t0,[y0(1:4),x(1),x(2)]);
h = @(x) subsref(s(x), struct('type', '()', 'subs', {{[5,6]}}));
sol = fsolve(h,y0(5:6),optimset('TolFun',1e-10,'TolX',1e-10));
y0 = [y0(1:4),sol];
tspan = [t0,4.07];
OdeFcn = @OdeFcn;
MassFcn = @MassFcn;
options = rdpset('RelTol',1e-8,'AbsTol',1e-8,'MassFcn',MassFcn,'InitialStep',1e-10);
[T,Y] = radau(OdeFcn,tspan,y0,options);
for i = 1:numel(T)
dydt = OdeFcn(T(i),Y(i,:));
res5(i) = dydt(5);
res6(i) = dydt(6);
[m5,idx5] = max(res5);
[m6,idx6] = max(res6);
function dydt = OdeFcn(t,y)
persistent iter
if isempty(iter)
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if mod(iter,10000)==0
iter = 0;
I = 0.000122144; %kgm^2
m = 0.19744; %kg
g = 9.80665; %m/s^2
R = 0.035; %m
s = 0.090757; %rad
r = 0.011515; %m
M = 0.029244; %kg
k = 15.36;
A = 0.011065331; %m^2
%if t > 3.85e-1
% g - R * y(6) * sin(s)
dydt = zeros(6,1);
dydt(1) = y(3);
dydt(2) = y(4);
dydt(3) = y(5);
dydt(4) = y(6);
%dydt(5) = I*y(5) - (-m * sqrt(g^2 + R^2 * y(6)^2 - 2 * g * R * y(6) * sin(s)) * r * sin(s + y(1) - atan(R * y(6) * cos(s) / (g - R * y(6) * sin(s)))) - k * R * A * (y(3) - y(4)));
dydt(5) = I*y(5) - (-m * sqrt(g^2 + R^2 * y(6)^2 - 2 * g * R * y(6) * sin(s)) * r * sin(s + y(1) - asin(R * y(6) * cos(s) / sqrt((g - R * y(6) * sin(s))^2 + (R * y(6) * cos(s))^2))) - k * R * A * (y(3) - y(4)));
dydt(6) = 2 * M * R * y(6) -( (M + m) * g * sin(s) - m * r * (sin(y(1)) * (y(3)^2) - cos(y(1)) * y(5)));
function M = MassFcn()
M = eye(6);
M(5,5) = 0;
M(6,6) = 0;
you will get the best performance I could achieve until now.
But you will see that the functions blow up at this time, and continuing integration seems no longer possible.



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