Creating a driver routine for my function

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am new to MATLAB and going through my textbook example, I have this function that calls two other functions(f and df). It works well when I call it but now I am trying to figure out how to create a driver routine to test this function that specifies the input arguments and calls newtfun.
Below is newtun:
function [x, f, conv] = newtfun(fh, dfh, x0)
steps = 0;
x = x0;
re = 1e-8;
myrel = 1;
while myrel > re & (steps<20)
disp([x feval(fh,x)])
myrel = abs(x-xold); %Changing myrel not to divide by x
if myrel <=re
else conv=0;
f= feval(fh,x);
For my driver function is this the correct start?
function test_newtfun()
x=[1 2 3];
y = newtfun(x);
I guess I am a little confused. Any help would be much appreciated

回答(1 个)

Torsten 2023-10-4
移动:Torsten 2023-10-4
For my driver function is this the correct start?
No. The driver function calls newtfun with three input arguments: The function you search the root of, its derivative (both as function handles) and an initial guess for the root.
x = newtfun(@(x)x^2-2,@(x)2*x,1)


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