I understand you are trying to connect a Tektronix DP077002SX oscilloscope in MATLAB via Ethernet.
The error using “fopen” can be a result of missing object configuration or mismatched driver assignment. Please try the following solutions to resolve the issue:
- Ensure that only one interface object is given to the instrument and configure all the required properties for the specific object. Refer to the following link for more information: https://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/fopen.html#f10-363666
- Check if Windows has assigned the correct driver to the instrument. If an incorrect driver is assigned, try reassociating the ethernet adapter with the required driver. The National Instruments website provides a procedure for reassociating a USB device with the required NI-VISA driver. Refer to the following link for the procedure and adapt it for an Ethernet connection: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019La2SAE&l=en-IN
- Try using the “tmtool” to connect MATLAB with the oscilloscope. Refer to the following link for a demonstration of connecting Tektronix instruments to MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com/videos/connecting-tektronix-instruments-to-matlab-68778.html
I hope this helps!