I have a Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA that is is connected via USB JTAG to my computer. I would like to read the memory of the FPGA.
Currently, I am using Vivado to connect to the FPGA, then program it with a .bin file and then read the memory (the Vivado command follows). I would like to perform this process using Matlab so that it can be automated and synced with other opperations.
I can currently program the FPGA with the bit stream using the following Matlab commands.
hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName','Xilinx Vivado',...
filProgramFPGA('Xilinx Vivado','/dir/mybitstream.bit',1);
Now I want to read the memory. The command that I use in Vivado is
readback_hw_device -bin_file C:/<path>/<filename>.bin
Is it possible to directly send this command to Vivado via Matlab to have it read the memory? Alternatively, is there another way to read memory using Matlab that does not use aximanager?
There are several articles showing how to read memory in Matlab that require the use of the aximanager. However, I did not write the bit stream. So, I can't add aximanager functionality.