How can I export .mkv file containing depth data to .ply file?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am planning to output 4 minutes of depth data as a .mkv file recorded using kinect as a ply file.
I saw on the following page how to connect kinect directly and read the point cloud, but I couldn't figure out how to read the point cloud from the mkv file that is already output.Kinect for Windows からの点群 - MATLAB pcfromkinect - MathWorks 日本
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to do this.

回答(1 个)

praguna manvi
praguna manvi 2024-10-10
Hi @海志,
As I understand it, you already have the video containing depth frames, which can be extracted using the VideoReader function. You can refer to this link for more information:
The depth frames can be visualized as a point cloud using the pcfromdepth function directly as follows:
ptCloud = pcfromdepth(depthImage,depthScaleFactor, intrinsics, ...
ColorImage=colorImage, ...
DepthRange=[0 maxCameraDepth]);
More infomation on “pcfromdepth” function can be found at this link:
Hope this helps !



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