Hello, i have Matlab 2022b with waijung_18_11a. I have successfully installed Waijung Blockset. But when i create a simple led blinking model i received an error as follows:
D:\workspace\matlab\waijung_18_11a_Matlab202x\utils\aimagin\gnuarminc\_ansi.h(16): fatal error C1083: içerme dosyası açılamıyor: 'sys/config.h': No such file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl -c -nologo -GS -W4 -DWIN32 @test_2022b_comp.rsp -D_MT -MT -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -DTID01EQ=0 /DNDEBUG /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test_2022b -DNUMST=2 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMAT_FILE=0 -DINTEGER_CODE=0 -DONESTEPFCN=1 -DTERMFCN=1 -DHAVESTDIO -DMULTI_INSTANCE_CODE=0 -DCLASSIC_INTERFACE=0 -DALLOCATIONFCN=0 -DHAVESTDIO -DMT=0 -DMODEL_HAS_DYNAMICALLY_LOADED_SFCNS=0 ert_main.c' : D÷n³■ kodu '0x2' Stop. D:\workspace\matlab\waijung_18_11a_Matlab202x\test_2022b_stm32f4>echo The make command returned an error of 2 The make command returned an error of 2 D:\workspace\matlab\waijung_18_11a_Matlab202x\test_2022b_stm32f4>exit 1 ### Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: 'test_2022b' aborted due to an error.
Can you help me solve the issue ?