I need to close excel file before importing data

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
I recently started using MATLAB R2023a.
When I use functions such as xlsread or readtable to read data from an excel file, the file must be closed before calling function.
Previously, when I was using MATLAB R2019 or older versions, this was not the case.
Can this issue be fixed?
  3 个评论
Jon 2023-10-12
编辑:Jon 2023-10-12
I am using R2023b on a Windows machine.
For me this behavior seems to depend upon the location of the Excel file. When I have the current MATLAB directory and the .xlsx file both in, for example, in C:\TEMP\Matlab then I can use readtable successfully whether the .xlsx file is open or not. When I put exactly the same .xlsx file in my One Drive folder, I can use readtable when the file is closed but if it is open then I get the error :
Error using readtable
Unable to open file 'C:\Users\jxxx.xxx\OneDrive - xxxx\myfile.xlsx'
as a workbook. Check that the file exists, read access is available, and the file is a
valid spreadsheet file.
When I look at the permissions for the file in the One Drive folder they seem to be the same as when it is in the C:\Temp\Matlab location, but somehow there must be some difference.
I would also like to know if there is a solution for this, as it can be annoying if I just want to read the file and I forget to close it. At the least, it would be nice if I could get it to throw an error that indicated that the problem was that the file was open, rather than the more obscure error that it now reports
Roohollah 2023-10-13
I checked it and that is the problem.
When I work with files on OneDrive, they have to be closed.
If you could find any solution, please let me know.


回答(2 个)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2023-10-12
Suggestions and suspected bugs can be reported here: https://www.mathworks.com/support/contact_us.html

Jon 2023-10-13
I looked a little more on MATLAB answers and saw that this issue was previously described, and is a known issue for the Mathworks developers. Please see https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/514294-why-does-readtable-fail-to-read-a-file-from-onedrive?s_tid=answers_rc1-2_p2_MLTfor more info.




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