How to get the computation time of simulinkcomponent(.ssc) in simulink model(.slx)

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to get the calculation time for a single component block in a slx file. simulink profiler did not give me the calculation time for a single .ssc block. the slx file is complex and the ssc block is a part of it.

回答(1 个)

Pramil 2024-10-16
Hi Usachi,
The Simulink Profiler identifies execution time for each and individual blocks present in a model.
It works for SSC blocks as well. Assuming that you got zero as total time for your SSC block, it does not means that the profiler is not able to compute the blocks time, but rather that the time taken by the block during execution is inconsequential hence therefore stated as zero.
You can know more about how does Simulink Profiler works through the following documentation:
Hope it helps.


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