Internal error while generating code from Simulink

2 次查看(过去 30 天)

MATLAB ver 2022b, Simulink Coder used with AUTOSAR classic TLC
Error encountered shown below and is seen while building any Simulink model across MATLAB 23a, 22b, and 21b.

回答(1 个)

Namnendra 2024-10-23
The error you encountered during code generation from Simulink indicates an internal issue with the code generation process. This type of error can be caused by a variety of factors, including configuration issues, corrupted files, or bugs in MATLAB/Simulink. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:
Troubleshooting Steps
1. Check Model Configuration:
- Ensure that your Simulink model is correctly configured for code generation. Verify that all required parameters, such as solver settings and sample times, are set appropriately.
2. Update MATLAB/Simulink:
- Make sure you have the latest updates and patches installed for your version of MATLAB/Simulink. Sometimes, such internal errors are fixed in subsequent updates.
3. Clear Cache and Temporary Files:
- Clear the Simulink cache and temporary files, which might be corrupted.
4. Check for Unsupported Blocks:
- Review your model for any unsupported or custom blocks that might not be compatible with code generation. Replace or modify them if necessary.
5. Simplify the Model:
- Try simplifying the model to identify if a specific part is causing the issue. Start by generating code for smaller subsystems to isolate the problem.
6. Rebuild the Model:
- Rebuild the model from scratch if possible. Sometimes, models can become corrupted, and rebuilding them can resolve hidden issues.
7. Review the MATLAB Path:
- Ensure that your MATLAB path is correctly set up and does not contain any conflicting or outdated files. Use `restoredefaultpath` and `rehash toolboxcache` to reset the path and cache:
rehash toolboxcache;
8. Examine Error Details:
- Look into the full error message and any associated logs for additional details that might point to the root cause. Check for any specific lines or functions mentioned in the error trace.
By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the internal error encountered during code generation in Simulink.


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