To create an 'nrDLCarrierConfig' object for Frequency Range 'FR2', specific constraints apply to the configuration parameters. According to the MATLAB R2023b documentation, the channel bandwidth for 'FR2' must be one of the following: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, or 2000 MHz.
Additionally, the maximum transmission bandwidth configuration (TS 38.104 Tables 5.3.2-2 and 5.3.2-3) for 'FR2' varies based on the UE channel bandwidth and subcarrier spacing, as shown in the table below:
Here is how you can generate an NR downlink carrier waveform in FR2:
% Downlink configuration
cfgDL = nrDLCarrierConfig('FrequencyRange', 'FR2', ...
'ChannelBandwidth', 50);
%% SCS specific carriers
% Carrier 1
scscarrier1 = nrSCSCarrierConfig('SubcarrierSpacing', 60, 'NSizeGrid', 66, 'NStartGrid', 3);
% Carrier 2
scscarrier2 = nrSCSCarrierConfig('SubcarrierSpacing', 120, 'NSizeGrid', 32, 'NStartGrid', 2);
cfgDL.SCSCarriers = {scscarrier1, scscarrier2};
%% Bandwidth Parts
bwp = nrWavegenBWPConfig;
bwp.SubcarrierSpacing = 60;
bwp.NSizeBWP = 66;
bwp.NStartBWP = 3;
cfgDL.BandwidthParts = {bwp};
%% Synchronization Signals Burst
ssburst = nrWavegenSSBurstConfig;
ssburst.BlockPattern = 'Case D';
%'Case D' — For FR2 and 120 kHz SCS.
%'Case E' — For FR2 and 240 kHz SCS.
%'Case F' — For FR2 and 480 kHz SCS.
%'Case G' — For FR2 and 960 kHz SCS.
ssburst.TransmittedBlocks = ones([1 64]); % 4/8-bit binary vector for FR1 and 64-bit binary vector for FR2
ssburst.SubcarrierSpacingCommon = 60; % 15/30 for FR1 and 60/120 for FR2
cfgDL.SSBurst = ssburst;
%% Generation
[waveform,info] = nrWaveformGenerator(cfgDL);
Fs = info.ResourceGrids(1).Info.SampleRate; % Specify the sample rate of the waveform in Hz
%% Visualize
% Spectrum Analyzer
spectrum = spectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', Fs);
Alternatively, you can use the 5G Waveform Generator App of MATLAB’s 5G Toolbox to easily generate standard-compliant NR uplink and downlink carrier waveforms. Please refer to the following documentation to get started
For more information, please refer to the MATLAB R2023b documentation
- nrSCSCarrierConfig:
- nrDLCarrierConfig:
- nrWavegenBWPConfig:
- nrWavegenSSBurstConfig: