does kruskal-wallis test on matlab take into account when a sample has a large number of ties or is their a specific function to use in such a situation?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to perform kruskal-wallis test on a set of data. however my data contains alot of repitation. usually when performing kruskal-wallis test a different formula is used when there is a fairly large number of ties, is there different functions for the two situations? I used
[p, table, stats] = kruskalwallis (test)
  4 个评论
Torsten 2023-11-11
I'd try this one:
But don't forget my advice to elaborate more on the kind of problem and data you have - my impression is the people there are more "elitist" than in the MATLAB forum, if you know what I mean.



the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-11-11
Looking inside the code for anova1 (which is called by kruskalwallis), I see that it uses a formula that is adjusted for ties. It does not seem to have different formulas for "large" number of ties vs. "small" number of ties, as you are asking -- but I would not expect it to.

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