export_fig of multiple overlayed images only saves one image
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I have two imagesc's overlayed to make a figure (which is attached). I would like to save this figure as a pdf using export_pdf, however when I save it, it only saves one of the pieces (the blue ring) and does not save the orange circle in the middle. I'm not really sure why it is treating the two pieces differently. I am on matlab 2019a.
2 个评论
Steven Lord
With which inputs are you calling export_pdf? Are you calling it with a figure or axes handle indicating the graphics object(s) you want to export or are you calling it with an image handle to export?
What function are you actually using? The title says export_fig(), but then you say export_pdf(), which isn't anything I can find anywhere. So we don't know what function you're using or how you're trying to use it.
hf = open('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1538050/spherical%20bubble%202comp%20Nb50%20Nm330.fig')
The output is attached.
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