Using exportNetw​orkToTenso​rFlow breaks while generating h5 file

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a mat file that includes a trained network that I want to export using exportNetworkToTensorFlow in order to add it to the pipeline that I have in python. The only part that is not working is the h5 file that it is supposed to generate. In python the error that I get looks like the h5 file is corrupted and when I run exportNetworkToTensorFlow(net, "myModel") in Matlab this is what I get
Error in (line 130) file_id = H5ML.hdf5lib2('H5Fopen', filename, flags, fapl, is_remote);
Error in h5write (line 108) file_id =,flags,fapl);
Error in nnet.internal.cnn.tf_exporter.WeightFileWriter>iWriteH5Array (line 76) h5write(h5fileName, locationString, A(:));
Error in nnet.internal.cnn.tf_exporter.WeightFileWriter/write (line 53) iWriteH5Array(filename, varLoc, varData, 'single');
Error in nnet.internal.cnn.tf_exporter.ConvertedNetwork/writeWeightFile (line 214) write(weightFileWriter, weightFileName);
Error in nnet.internal.cnn.tf_exporter.ExportNetworkToTensorFlowImpl/doExport (line 67) writeWeightFile(convertedNetwork, weightFileName);
Error in exportNetworkToTensorFlow (line 43) doExport(Impl);
I haven't found anything similar to fix it so any help would be great.
Thanks again!

回答(1 个)

Namnendra 2024-9-21
The error you're encountering when using `exportNetworkToTensorFlow` in MATLAB suggests there might be an issue with writing the HDF5 file that is supposed to store the network weights. Let's go through some steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check MATLAB Version:
Ensure that you are using a version of MATLAB that supports the `exportNetworkToTensorFlow` function. This function is available in MATLAB versions R2022b and later.
2. Check Network Compatibility:
Make sure that the network you are trying to export is compatible with the `exportNetworkToTensorFlow` function. This function typically supports networks created using MATLAB's Deep Learning Toolbox.
3. File Path and Permissions:
- Ensure that the file path where you are trying to save the H5 file is valid and that you have the necessary write permissions.
- Try specifying a full path for the output file to avoid any relative path issues.
4. Network Structure:
- Verify that the network structure is valid and has been trained properly.
- Ensure that there are no custom layers or unsupported elements in the network.
5. MATLAB Environment:
- Restart MATLAB to ensure there are no lingering issues with the environment.
- Clear any variables or functions that might interfere with the operation using `clear all` and `clc`.
6. Disk Space:
- Ensure that there is sufficient disk space available for writing the H5 file.
7. Error Details:
- The error message indicates a problem with ``, which suggests an issue with opening or writing the HDF5 file. This could be due to file corruption or an invalid file path.
Additional Steps:
- Test with a Simple Network:
Try exporting a simple, known-to-work network to see if the issue is specific to your trained network or a general problem with the export process.
- Update MATLAB:
If possible, update MATLAB to the latest version, as there may have been bug fixes or improvements related to this function.
Above mentioned steps would help narrow down the issue and thereafter it could be solved.
Thank you.


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