Unable to expand the properties of app

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Quy 2023-11-15
评论: Soner Özdemir 2024-8-30,11:49
For some reason I cannot expand my properties anymore. I have hundreds of components, but I only see these ones. You can see on the left side that it jumps from line 4 to line 291, but nothing is shown in between. The three dots don't work either, and right clicking to select "Open Selection" does not work as well. Nothing functional is wrong, but this is just annoying. I really do not like appdesigner!

回答(1 个)

Rene M
Rene M 2023-11-28
Hi, I had the exact same problem. I don't know why and when this is happening and it is very annoying indeed. What worked for me was to click the "View"-Tab (top left in Code View) and press the button "Expand All". Hope it also works for you.


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