Write function to convert decimal to binary

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am struggling to solve the following question: Write a function `dec_to_bin` that takes a decimal number as input and returns its binary representation as a string. Avoid using the built-in function `dec2bin`. Ensure that the function handles non-integer inputs and outputs the binary representation accurately.
  4 个评论
Reema Noor
Reema Noor 2023-11-26
So how can I write the function for this question? Because I am new to this
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-11-26
Let us start with something simple. If the input is 5.1, then what is "its binary representation as a string" ? You can work it out by hand and show us the major intermediate steps


回答(1 个)

DGM 2023-12-5
编辑:DGM 2023-12-5
Meh. I'm going to ignore negative numbers for now. The question doesn't seem to actually mention it, though I strongly suspect otherwise.
Since the question isn't answerable without somebody actually stating the requirements, here is a rudimentary fixed-point representation for positive numbers only. Does that meet the requirements? Nobody knows.
N = [6.375 14.5625];
bits = [4 4]; % bits dedicated to [whole fractional] parts
ans = 2×8 char array
'01100110' '11101001'
function out = positivefixedpt(in,bits)
% only operates on the magnitude of the input
% sign is ignored
N = abs(in(:)); % vectorize, get magnitude
p = (bits(1)-1):-1:(-bits(2)); % powers corresponding to given bits
out = floor(N./2.^p); % divide
out = char(mod(out,2) + 48); % mod, convert to char
Are there edge cases which can break this? Now it's your turn to guess.


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