movegui in app designer

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023-12-2
评论: Luca Re 2024-10-15
in reference to the post
i've this problem to moved object and reading the comment of "Image Analyst" I would like to find this function to deactivate it
  6 个评论
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023-12-3
the problem is understanding why he does it to me
i use last version matlab
>> version
ans =
' (R2023a) Update 2'
Luca Re
Luca Re 2024-10-13
移动:Walter Roberson 2024-10-13
hi, now i use matlab
>> version
ans =
' (R2024a) Update 3'
if i close and reopen app designer i see it:
the panel gets misaligned every time and the bug hasn't been resolved yet (I always check that the panel is within the boundaries but it doesn't work)



cr 2023-12-3
移动:Image Analyst 2023-12-3
I opened your mlapp in R2021b (macos intel) and found objects misplaced. I dragged them into positions, saved, closed and reopened and found they held their respective positions. Attached here the mlapp I saved.
  6 个评论
cr 2024-10-15
Did the support concede it's a bug?
Luca Re
Luca Re 2024-10-15
I have not received any news from matlab


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