Coder and .net Dll examples

88 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dharmesh Joshi
Dharmesh Joshi 2023-12-7
回答: arushi 2024-9-10
I have created some custom function, that i would like to use in my .net c# project in Visual Studio.
Is there any examples of using coder and output a .dll file?
Also When we inport the .dll file, is there an limit to inputs to Matlab Function we are using interms of .nets data types, for examples if we have datetime table, how would we input this from a .net project into the funciton in the .dll file?

回答(1 个)

arushi 2024-9-10
Hi Dharmesh,
I understand that you have a MATLAB code which needs to be converted to DLL file.
To generate DLLs from MATLAB files you can use the MATLAB Coder App.
  1. From the Apps toolbar select MATLAB Coder.
  2. Select the File which you want to convert.
  3. Define the input Type for your MATLAB Function.
  4. Check For Runtime issue and click next.
  5. Click on the drop-down arrow besides "Generate"
  6. Select Built type: Dynamic Link Library
  7. Click through all the next steps and generate the DLL.
Refer to the documentation below to get more information on using MATLAB coder app.
Hope this Helps!


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