Foam drainage problem using pdepe

7 ๆฌกๆŸฅ็œ‹๏ผˆ่ฟ‡ๅŽป 30 ๅคฉ๏ผ‰
Elena Amy
Elena Amy 2023-12-11
The foam drainage equation ๐œ•๐œ™๐‘™ ๐œ•๐‘ก = โˆ’ ๐œ• ๐œ•๐‘ง ๐‘˜1๐‘… 2 ๐œ‚ ๐œŒ๐‘”๐œ™๐‘™ 2 โˆ’ ๐‘˜2 ๐›พ 2๐‘… ๐œ™๐‘™ 0.5 ๐œ• ๐œ•๐‘ง ๐œ™๐‘™ describes the spatio-temporal evolution of liquid in a foam due to gravitation and capillary forces. Herein, ๐œ™๐‘™(๐‘ฅ,๐‘ก) is the local liquid content, ๐‘ก is time, ๐‘ง is the spatial coordinate in the direction of the gravitational acceleration ๐‘”, ๐œ‚ is the dynamic liquid viscosity, ๐›พ is the interfacial tension, ๐œŒ is the liquid density and ๐‘˜1 = 0.0066, ๐‘˜2 = 0.1610.5 are constants. In this task, the effect of bubble size ๐‘… on the drainage of liquid out of the foam shall be studied. You can assume the following conditions: โ€ข The height ๐ป of the foam is constant โ€ข The bubble size of constant in the whole foam โ€ข At the foamโ€™s bottom edge (๐‘ง = ๐ป), the liquid fraction is constant ๐œ™๐‘™ ๐‘ก, ๐ป = 0.36 โ€ข At the foamโ€™s top edge (๐‘ง = 0), the liquid flux is zero โ€ข At ๐‘ก = 0, assume ๐œ™๐‘™(0, ๐‘ง) = 0.36 Multiscale Process Modelling and Process Analysis 2 ๐‘ง = 0 ๐‘ง = ๐ป ๐‘” Deliverable Task 02โ€”Foam drainage โ€ข Implement the foam drainage equation in MATLAB using the pdepe command with the respective initial and boundary conditions. Use the following parameter values โ€“ ๐œ‚ = 0.001 ๐‘ƒ๐‘Ž โ‹… ๐‘ , ๐›พ = 0.04 ๐‘/๐‘š, ๐œŒ = 1000 ๐‘˜๐‘”/๐‘š3 , ๐‘” = 9.81 ๐‘š ๐‘  2 โ€“ ๐ป = 0.1 ๐‘š, ฮ”โ„Ž = 0.0001 ๐‘š, ฮ”๐‘ก = 0.01 ๐‘ , ๐‘‡ = 100 ๐‘  โ€ข Solve the model for ๐‘… = 0.0005 ๐‘š, ๐‘… = 0.001 ๐‘š, ๐‘… = 0.005 ๐‘š and generate a chart for each solution showing the spatial profile of the liquid fraction at times between ๐‘ก = 0 and ๐‘ก = ๐‘‡ in steps of ฮ”๐œ = 0.05๐‘‡ โ€ข Compute the cumulated liquid flux out of the foam and compare the time-evolution with respect for each bubble size. โ€“ Use the fact that the drained liquid ๐‘‰๐‘™,๐ท can be computed at any time as the difference of the liquid being initially present in the foam and the liquid in the foam at time ๐‘ก, thus, ๐‘‰๐‘™,๐ท(๐‘ก) = ๐‘‰๐‘™,๐น ๐‘ก0 โˆ’ ๐‘‰๐‘™,๐น(๐‘ก) โ€“ Use the relation ๐‘‰๐‘™,๐น = ๐ด๐ป (integral lower border z=0 upper border z=H) ๐œ™๐ฟ ๐‘‘๐‘ง, where ๐ด๐น is the foamโ€™s cross-section. The trapz command can be used to calculate the integral (compare to add-on of exercise 6). Assume ๐ด๐น = 0.002 m2

ๅ›ž็ญ”๏ผˆ1 ไธช๏ผ‰

SOUMNATH PAUL 2023-12-22
To my understanding of this problem, we need to define the partial differential equation, set the initial and the boundary conditions. In the second step I have solved the equation for the specified bubble sizes and plotted the spatial profile of the liquid fraction over time. Finally, I have computed the cumulated liquid flux out of the foam.
function foam_drainage
% Given parameters
eta = 0.001; % Pa.s
gamma_tension = 0.04; % N/m
rho = 1000; % kg/m^3
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
H = 0.1; % m
A_f = 0.002; % m^2 (cross-section of the foam)
k1 = 0.0066;
k2 = 0.161^0.5;
% Discretization parameters
dz = 0.0001; % m
dt = 0.01; % s
T = 100; % s
dTau = 0.05 * T; % s
% Bubble sizes to study
R_values = [0.0005, 0.001, 0.005]; % m
% Spatial mesh
zmesh = 0:dz:H;
% Time vector
tspan = 0:dt:T;
% Loop over the bubble sizes
for R = R_values
% Solve PDE
sol = pdepe(0, @(z,t,u,dudz) pdefun(z,t,u,dudz,k1,k2,R,eta,rho,g,gamma_tension), ...
@icfun, ...
@bcfun, ...
zmesh, tspan);
% Extract the solution for phi_l
phi_l = sol(:,:,1);
% Plot the spatial profile of the liquid fraction at specified times
hold on;
for t = 0:dTau:T
[~, tIdx] = min(abs(tspan - t)); % Find the closest time index
plot(zmesh, phi_l(tIdx,:), 'DisplayName', sprintf('t = %.2f s', t));
hold off;
title(sprintf('Spatial profile of liquid fraction over time (R = %.4f m)', R));
xlabel('Height z (m)');
ylabel('Liquid fraction \phi_l');
% Compute the cumulated liquid flux out of the foam
V_l_F_initial = A_f * H * trapz(zmesh, phi_l(1,:)); % Initial liquid volume in the foam
V_l_F = A_f * H * trapz(zmesh, phi_l, 2); % Liquid volume in the foam over time
V_l_D = V_l_F_initial - V_l_F; % Drained liquid volume over time
% Plot the time-evolution of the cumulated liquid flux for each bubble size
plot(tspan, V_l_D, 'DisplayName', sprintf('R = %.4f m', R));
title('Cumulated liquid flux out of the foam over time');
xlabel('Time t (s)');
ylabel('Drained liquid volume V_l_D (m^3)');
% Define the PDE function
function [c,f,s] = pdefun(z,t,u,dudz,k1,k2,R,eta,rho,g,gamma_tension)
c = 1;
f = -k1*R^2/(eta*rho*g) * u^2 - k2*gamma_tension^2/(2*R) * sqrt(u) * dudz;
s = 0;
% Define the initial condition function
function u0 = icfun(z)
u0 = 0.36; % Initial liquid fraction
% Define the boundary condition function
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = bcfun(zl,ul,zr,ur,t)
pl = ul - 0.36; % At the bottom edge (z = H), the liquid fraction is constant
ql = 0;
pr = 0; % At the top edge (z = 0), the liquid flux is zero
qr = 1;
You can also see the examples section in below link for further reference:
Hope it helps!


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