Mechanics explorer does not display robot link when copying the simulation to a different computer

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have an issue when sharing a robot simulation using Simscape from my laptop to another computer. I use smimport command to import the CAD model and build the robot simulation model in Simulink. Everything works ok in my laptop but as I copying the entire simulation folder across to another computer, Mechanics Explorer does not display the links of the models. I can still run the simulation but only visualise the coordinates of the links.
I did change the Workspace Data source to the new folder and load the links again but still does not work.
Would you please provide advice for the scenario.
Thank you and kind regards

回答(1 个)

Anurag 2023-12-21
Hi Duy,
I understand that you are not able to see the links of the model from “Mechanics Explorer” after copying and importing your robot simulation into a different computer.
Follow the steps below to solve the issue:
  • Check that both computers have the same version of “Simscape Multibody” installed. Incompatibilities between versions can lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • Open the “Simscape Multibody” Configuration Parameters and verify that the "Use code generation paths for parameterized file names" option is set consistently between the two computers.
  • Confirm that the Simscape Multibody license is valid on the new computer. Licensing issues may affect the visualization of components.
  • Make sure that Simscape Multibody libraries are up to date on both computers. Use the "ssc_clean" command to clean up any cached data.
  • Clear temporary simulation files generated by “Simscape Multibody” on the new computer. You can do this by running the following command:
clear all; close all; clc; ssc_clean;
Below are the documentation links for the functions mentioned above:
Hope it helps,


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