lookfor could not find polyfit using keyword 'polynomial' and 'fitting'.

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I thought the function lookfor searches for the keyword given in the first line (referred as 'summary line' in the reference page) of all the reference pages. However, lookfor fitting and lookfor polynomial does not show polyfit.
>> lookfor polynomial
conv - Convolution and polynomial multiplication
deconv - Least-squares deconvolution and polynomial division
polyeig - Polynomial eigenvalue problem
Find and Remove Trends - Find and remove polynomial or periodic trends from data in the Live Editor
Polynomial - Perform evaluation of polynomial coefficients on input values
polyBasis - Polynomial basis functions for tunable gain surface
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D - 2-D polynomial geometric transformation
ac2poly - Convert autocorrelation sequence to prediction polynomial
poly2ac - Convert prediction filter polynomial to autocorrelation sequence
poly2rc - Convert prediction filter polynomial to reflection coefficients
polyscale - Scale roots of polynomial
polystab - Stabilize polynomial
rc2poly - Convert reflection coefficients to prediction filter polynomial
polyconf - Polynomial confidence intervals
polytool - Interactive polynomial fitting
bernstein - Bernstein polynomials
gcd - GCD of numbers and polynomials
affinetform2d.outputLimits - Find output spatial limits given input spatial limits
affinetform2d.transformPointsInverse - Apply inverse geometric transformation
sym.gegenbauerC - Gegenbauer polynomials
sym.jacobiP - Jacobi polynomials
sym.laguerreL - Generalized Laguerre Function and Laguerre Polynomials
sym.minpoly - Minimal polynomial of matrix
sym.polynomialDegree - Degree of polynomial
sym.polynomialReduce - Reduce polynomials by division
sym.resultant - Resultant of two polynomials
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D.A - Polynomial coefficients used to determine U in the inverse transformation
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D.B - Polynomial coefficients used to determine V in the inverse transformation
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D.Degree - Degree of polynomial transformation
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D.Dimensionality - Dimensionality of geometric transformation
>> lookfor fitting
polytool - Interactive polynomial fitting
Neural Net Fitting - Solve fitting problem using two-layer feed-forward networks
ClassificationECOC.RowsUsed - Rows used in fitting
ClassificationGAM.RowsUsed - Rows used in fitting
CoxModel.VariableInfo - Information about fitting data
FeatureSelectionNCAClassification.FitMethod - Name of fitting method
FeatureSelectionNCARegression.FitMethod - Name of the fitting method used to fit this model
GeneralizedLinearModel.Steps - Stepwise fitting information
NonLinearModel.Iterative - Information about fitting process
prob.BirnbaumSaundersDistribution.InputData - Data used for distribution fitting
prob.GeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution.InputData - Data used for distribution fitting
prob.HalfNormalDistribution.InputData - Data used for distribution fitting
prob.LoglogisticDistribution.InputData - Data used for distribution fitting
ReconstructionICA.FitInfo - Fitting history
RegressionGAM.RowsUsed - Rows used in fitting
SparseFiltering.FitInfo - Fitting history
Am I missing something? First line of reference page of polyfit do have 'polynomial' and 'fitting'.
>> help polyfit
polyfit - Polynomial curve fitting
This MATLAB function returns the coefficients for a polynomial p(x) of
degree n that is a best fit (in a least-squares sense) for the data in
  7 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023-12-14
Let's see what polyfit.m files you have. What does this command show in your installation?
which -all polyfit
/MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/polyfun/polyfit.m /MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/bigdata/@tall/polyfit.m % tall method /MATLAB/toolbox/parallel/gpu/@gpuArray/polyfit.m % gpuArray method /MATLAB/toolbox/parallel/parallel/@codistributed/polyfit.m % codistributed method
You may not have the latter two if you don't have Parallel Computing Toolbox installed.
lazymatlab 2023-12-14
>> which -all polyfit
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023b\toolbox\matlab\polyfun\polyfit.m
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023b\toolbox\parallel\gpu\@gpuArray\polyfit.m % gpuArray method
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023b\toolbox\matlab\bigdata\@tall\polyfit.m % tall method
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023b\toolbox\parallel\parallel\@codistributed\polyfit.m % codistributed method



Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo 2023-12-15
编辑:Angelo Yeo 2023-12-15
Thank you for reporting this issue. I can reproduce the issue in a machine with Japanese locale. (Sorry, I don't have a Korean locale machine as of now.) Can you please reach out to Technical Support?
>> ver
MATLAB バージョン: (R2023b)
MATLAB ライセンス番号: unknown
オペレーティング システム: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Version 10.0 (Build 18363)
Java バージョン: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
>> lookfor curve fitting
IRFitOptions.FitType - Minimize by in curve fitting process
>> lookfor 曲線近似 % Note that 曲線近似 means curve fitting in Japanese
polyfit - Polynomial curve fitting
berfit - Fit curve to nonsmooth empirical BER data
fittype - Fit type for curve and surface fitting
prepareCurveData - Prepare data inputs for curve fitting
lsqcurvefit - Solve nonlinear curve-fitting (data-fitting) problems in least-squares sense
sftool - (Removed) Open Curve Fitting app
However "isprime" comes up with Japanese and English querying. This is strange, too.
>> lookfor 素数 % Note that 素数 menas prime
abs - Absolute value and complex magnitude
colperm - Sparse column permutation based on nonzero count
complex - Create complex array
cplxpair - Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
imag - Imaginary part of complex number
isprime - Determine which array elements are prime
isreal - Determine whether array uses complex storage
matlab.io.fits.readKeyCmplx - Keyword as complex scalar value
primes - Prime numbers less than or equal to input value
>> lookfor prime
isprime - Determine which array elements are prime
primes - Prime numbers less than or equal to input value
  1 个评论
lazymatlab 2023-12-22
编辑:lazymatlab 2023-12-22
Thank you, @Angelo Yeo.
A few updates for this issue below:
  • lookfor fitting works fine if 1) Windows display language is Korean and 2) MATLAB Help language is English (Preferences - Help - Language).
  • If Windows display language is English, MATLAB Preferences do not have Language setting, both Desktop language and Help language. That's why I had to change Windows display language as Korean first.
  • I have always used English as Windows display language. Thus, I think, all my MATLABs never had Language settings. I have never known that I could change Help language until today I have found it.
  • But still mysterious is that my initial Help language was Korean, not English, even though OS language was English when MATLAB was being installed.


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