auto detection of an image bacjground and blur it

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
give a matlab code for this image that can focous the human then automitically detec this image background and then blur the background..this should work like potrait mode.

回答(1 个)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov 2023-12-20
Here is one code that requires yolov2ObjectDetector() from YOLO model and does the job partially.
% Read your image:
O_Image = imread('H_image.jpeg');
% Load pre-trained YOLO model for object detection
yolonet = yolov2ObjectDetector();
% Detect objects in the image using YOLO
[bbox, score, label] = detect(yolonet, O_Image);
% Create a binary mask for humans
binaryMask = false(size(O_Image, 1), size(O_Image, 2));
for jj = 1:size(bbox, 1)
binaryMask(bbox(jj,2):bbox(i,2)+bbox(jj,4)-1, bbox(jj,1):bbox(jj,1)+bbox(jj,3)-1) = true;
% Convert binary mask to double
b_Mask = double(binaryMask);
% Blur the background using a Gaussian filter
blur_Background = imgaussfilt(O_Image, 10);
% Combine blurred background with original foreground (humans)
finalImage = double(originalImage) .* repmat(b_Mask, [1, 1, size(O_Image, 3)]) + ...
double(blur_Background) .* repmat(1 - b_Mask, [1, 1, size(O_Image, 3)]);
% The final image in uint8 format
F_Image = uint8(finalImage);
% Display and compare the obtained image
title('Original Image');
title('Blurred Background with Detected Humans');


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