In CERR: How to loop a function for several planC's

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I'm working with structuresets in CERR. I would like to repeat a function eg. 'getStructureDistance.m' for several structuresets (defined as planC's but renamed in the array-workspace in MatLab) in one go, but can't find out how to made a repeat-function to work. I suppose some kind of loop-sequence is the solution, but I don't know how. Could anybody help me?

回答(1 个)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov 2023-12-23
If understood correctly, it can be attained something like this (presuming the fcn file getStructureDistance.m has some input vars):
N = ... % times to be executed
for ii= 1:N
[A{ii}, B{ii}, C{ii}]= getStructureDistance(Var1, Var2, Var3, Varn);
planC.A = A;
planC.B = B;
planC.C = C;


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