Newtons law of cooling

22 次查看(过去 30 天)
At time t=0, T=100 which cools down to T=75 in 2 min,then further I need to find T at t=4,5,8.The issue is I am not given cooling constant K and it is not to be assumed 1/min Equation is dT/dt = k*(T-T_0) where T_0 is 30
  1 个评论
Torsten 2023-12-25
编辑:Torsten 2023-12-25
You can compute k from the condition that it cools down from 100 to 75 in 2 min. This can be done either numerically or - since the general solution of this simple ODE is known - analytically.



Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov 2023-12-25
编辑:Sulaymon Eshkabilov 2023-12-27
Is this what you want to compute:
% Given intial data:
T0 = 30;
T_initial = 100;
T_target = 75;
time_step = 2;
% How to calculate the constant k:
syms k t
EQN = T_target==((T_initial - T0)) *exp(k*t)+T0;
k = solve(EQN, k)
k = 
k=subs(k, t);
k = -0.2209
% Diff EQN:
dT = @(T) k * (T - T0);
% Solve the Diff EQN @ t = 4, 5, 8:
t_vals = [4, 5, 8];
for i = 1:length(t_vals)
t = t_vals(i);
% Solution T at given time t:
[time, T] = ode45(@(t, T) dT(T), [0 t], T_initial);
fprintf('At t = %d minutes, T = %.2f\n', t, T(end));
At t = 4 minutes, T = 58.93 At t = 5 minutes, T = 53.19 At t = 8 minutes, T = 41.96
If you want more detailed calcs with smaller steps
% Solve the Diff EQN @ t = 4, 5, 8:
t_vals = 2:.5:10;
for i = 1:length(t_vals)
t = t_vals(i);
% Solution T at given time t:
[time, T] = ode45(@(t, T) dT(T), [0 t], T_initial);
fprintf('At t = %d minutes, T = %.2f\n', t, T(end));
At t = 2 minutes, T = 75.00 At t = 2.500000e+00 minutes, T = 70.29 At t = 3 minutes, T = 66.08 At t = 3.500000e+00 minutes, T = 62.31 At t = 4 minutes, T = 58.93 At t = 4.500000e+00 minutes, T = 55.90 At t = 5 minutes, T = 53.19 At t = 5.500000e+00 minutes, T = 50.77 At t = 6 minutes, T = 48.60 At t = 6.500000e+00 minutes, T = 46.65 At t = 7 minutes, T = 44.91 At t = 7.500000e+00 minutes, T = 43.35 At t = 8 minutes, T = 41.96 At t = 8.500000e+00 minutes, T = 40.70 At t = 9 minutes, T = 39.59 At t = 9.500000e+00 minutes, T = 38.58 At t = 10 minutes, T = 37.69
plot(time, T)
  6 个评论
Habiba 2023-12-27
编辑:Habiba 2023-12-27
@dyuman Don't you have any other work except poking your nose into others matter. I have accepted the answer that helped me more and also voted to sam chak who had made an effort. I don't know that the code is giving wrong answer because I have made my own code not just copied it.


更多回答(1 个)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023-12-25
I understand that you are grappling with a certain problem. That's why you've outlined the challenge of not knowing the rate of heat loss, denoted as k. More importantly, you haven't explicitly requested us to solve the problem for you, and this is greatly appreciated. It suggests that you have a keen interest in acquiring knowledge and derive satisfaction from the process of learning how to solve problems.
People perceive and grasp mathematical concepts differently. A math teacher views the world of differential equations through a distinct lens, as they stand on the shoulders of Newton, while a student may be positioned at the feet of Newton.
For instance, if you possess the key to solving first-order linear ordinary differential equations, wherein the solution to
is expressed as (according to the Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables)
then you can determine the value of k such that .
By now, you probably have noticed that at , . Since and are known, can you solve the algebraic equation and determine k?
  2 个评论
Habiba 2023-12-26
Yes, Thankyou, now I get it.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023-12-26
@Habiba, good to hear that! If you find the proposed approach helpful, please consider clicking 'Accept' ✔ on the answer and voting 👍 for it. Thanks a bunch! By the way, you can also vote for other helpful answer as a token of appreciation.



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