Simulink Error/Warning: "Signal with under-specified data types" in Motor Control Blockset blocks

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
When updating my model I encounter "Signal with under-specified data types" with Motor Control Blockset blocks i.e. Position generator, Sine-cosine Lookup, Park Transform.
Specifying the data types of all input and output signals as suggested in and depicted below does not solve the warning/error for any of the blocks.
What can I do to resolve these warnings without deactivating all under-specified data type warnings?
Thanks for your help!


Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024-1-2
set the "Output data type" of that "Data Type Conversion" block to be 'single', instead of leaving it as default.
  2 个评论
Felix 2024-1-3
That would solve it, but as I would only modify the local library file this is not synchronizable via source control, correct?
I'm looking for a solution that works for a team.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024-1-3
Modify your local library file and then update/synchronize with your repository. The solution has nothing to do with source control.
Selecting the "back propagation" might be better suited for a library component as it might be used for different data types.


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