How to know how many pixels are a millimeter in my image?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I got some dimensions in pixels from the image below (for example TotalArea=520000 pixels). I need to convert my dimensions from pixel to millimeters. I'm a newbie in matlab and I don't know where to start with this. I've already made the calibration with the Camera Calibrator provided by Matlab and I've obtained two folders:
  • CameraParameters
  • EstimationError
The image is the following:

回答(1 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-4
You need to know the length in millimeters of a particular object or feature in the image to make that conversion.
  7 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024-1-4
@DGM right. I mentioned shadows and background flattening to him in his other question but he just said I was criticizing his question and he didn't want any more help from me. Too bad. With my 45 years experience designing imaging systems and image analysis software I could have been helpful.
mirko 2024-1-4
I can't get a better image than this due to limited instrumentation. In the last hours I partially solved my problem. I got from Matlab a length of 34 mm for the external side of the CPU when the real length is 36 mm. I can accept this error. The problem is when I try to get the pins' diameter: Matlab give me a value of 16 mm but it is impossible because the real diameter is 0.9 mm. If you can help me, I can send the code I'm trying



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