Using hNRDownlinkEvm function to perform EVM on captured 5G waveform.

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm using the 5G toolbox to generate a 5G waveform and using a transceiver to both transmit and receive the waveform. I'd like to perform an EVM on the received waveform, which I have in IQ format.
I was trying to follow the following guide: However, I am not able to use the function hNRDownlinkEVM , and I cannot find it in any of the files in my MATLAB directory (I get the "Unrecognized function or variable" error). Where can I find/get access to this function?
For reference, I'm using R2021b.

回答(1 个)

Swaraj 2024-1-16
Hi Aman,
The documentation link you are following is for the release of R2023b. Below is the link to the same documentation page for the R2021b release.
As I can check, the function 'hNRDownlinkEVM' is not available on the R2021b release documentation page causing the Unrecognized function or variable" error.
Hope it helps!





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