I have multiple figures of data with two y-axes. The left axis shows the histocounts of the values; the right axis gives the cummulative probability of distribution.
I cannot find a way to point to a figure handle and select the left-side ylim data and then reset the ylim values.
Goal: I wish to automatically determine the maximum ylim among the figures to then reset all the plots to the max ylim for easy comparison. The only working "solution" is using yyaxis to select "left" or 'right" and then accessing the ylim values. This however requires that the I manually use gcf after the analysis run and have the figure of interest at the top of the stack.
To summarize: I wish to get the max left-side ylims among a group of figures and then reset all the upper left-side ylims to the group maximum. To further help illustrate this issue, I have included sample data generating fake data for four data sets.
Thank you in advance any help.
data = randn(1,1000*n,4);
ylabel('cummulative plot');
title(sprintf('phony balony data set #%s',num2str(n)));
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